Feast Nyepi
Feast Nyepi Day celebrated every year New Caka (Caka year turnover). That is the day Tilem Kesanga (IX) which is the day pesucian god-god who is in the center of the ocean water to bring the core sarining life (Tirtha Amertha Kamandalu). For that people perform Hindu worship sacred to the god-god.
The main purpose Hari Raya Nyepi is seeking kehadapan Lord of the god, to cleanse Bhuwana Alit (human nature) and Bhuwana Agung (universe). Series Raya Nyepi Day celebration is as follows:
1. Tawur (Pecaruan), Pengrupukan, and Melasti.
A day before Nyepi, namely the "panglong pings 14 sasih kesanga" people carrying Hindu ceremony Butha Yadnya in perempatan roads and environment of each house, with salahg take one of the types of "Caru" according to ability. Bhuta Yadnya that each named; Panca Sata (small), Panca relative (are), and Tawur Agung (big).
Tawur or pecaruan itself is a consecration / pemarisudha Bhuta Kala, and all 'leteh' (dirty), hopefully sirna all.
Caru implemented in each house consists of; foreign rice color (five colors) pile of 9 / package, side dish pauknya chicken brumbun (colorful), along with wine tetabuhan / tuak. Bhuta Yadnya this is addressed to the King Bhuta, Bhuta Kala Kala Bhatara and, with that they may not ask the people.
After mecaru proceed with the ceremony pengerupukan, namely: spread-nyebar rice tawur, torch-obori house and all the yards, menyemburi the house and yard with mesui, and beat the things what (usually kentongan) to a voice loud / rowdy. This stage is done to dispel Bhuta Kala environment of the home, yard, and the surrounding environment.
Special in Bali, at this pengrupukan usually dimeriahkan with ogoh-ogoh parade, which is the embodiment of the Bhuta Kala diarak around the environment, and then burned. The goal is the same drive out the Bhuta Kala from the surrounding environment.
Then do the Melasti menghanyutkan all leteh (dirty) to the sea, and cleanse "pretima". Conducted in the sea, because the sea (ocean) is considered as a source of Tirtha Amertha (Dewa Ruci, and Pemuteran Mandaragiri). At least in the afternoon Tilem, pelelastian done.
2. Nyepi
Keesoka day, namely on "panglong ping 15" (Tilem Kesanga), tibalah Hari Raya Nyepi. On the day of fasting is done / peberatan Nyepi called Catur Penyepian Beratha and consists of; observed Geni (no berapi-api/tidak the use and / or fire), the paper observed (not working), observed lelungan (not travel), and observed lelanguan (do not listen to entertainment). Beratha done this since before sunrise.
According to the Hindu, all the things that is the transition, always first with dark omen. For example, a baby who will be turning to children (1 oton / 6 months), is realized with the symbol 'matekep guwungan' (closed sangkat chicken). Women who move from childhood to adulthood (Ngeraja Sewala), ritual first with ngekep (dipingit).
Thus for the new, adopted a newborn, that is really starting a new page with the pure white. To start living in caka / barupun years, this is basic, so there is the observed Geni.
That are more important than the omen-omen was born (observed Geni), according to the Lontar Sundari Gama is memutihbersihkan bosom, and it was imperative for the Hindu nation.
Each person berilmu (the wruhing tatwa dnjana) perform; Bharata (repression carnality), yoga (paramatma connect with the spirit (of God), Tapa (exercise endurance suffering), and samadhi (God to be alone / Ida Sang Hyang Widhi), which aims bathin sanctity of birth).
All it becomes imperative for the people of Hindu, so that will have bathin readiness to face any challenges of life in the new year. Habits celebrate Feast with the town, casino, drunk is a habit that must be mistaken and amended.
Last celebration of Hari Raya Nyepi is a day Ngembak Geni fall on the date pisan ping (1) sasih kedasa (X). This is the day in the new year begins Caka. Hindu bersilahturahmi people with large families and neighbors, sorry, forgive each other (ksama), one another.
With the new atmosphere, a new life will begin with a pure white heart. So if Christian year ended 31 December each year and the new starting January 1, the Caka year ended in panglong ping limolas (15) sasih kedasa (X), and the new year begins on 1 sasih kedasa (X).
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